Our Services

Bulk Messaging Service

Bulkcast is a voice broadcasting services that allows a pre-recorded message to be delivered to hundreds or even thousands of subscribers with relative ease. Instantly send alerts, notifications, reminders, political calls, product launch or updates, interactive polls and surveys with ease from our bulkcast platform.
BulkSMS is an SMS services that allows instant delivery of SMS text to hundreds or even thousands of subscribers with relative ease. Instantly send alerts, notifications, reminders, political calls, product launch or updates, interactive polls and surveys with ease from our bulkcast platform.
Conferencing provides a new and innovative ways for today's global competitive business environments and organizations around the world to get the most of their meetings. This solution unleashes the full power of scalability making it easier, safer, and more cost effective to collaborate with co-workers, partners, and customers anytime and anywhere around the world.

Mobile Content Services

Interactive Voice Response (IVR) is the workhorse application in our telephony platform. By leveraging the power and intelligence of this solution, sophisticated automated telephone applications can easily be designed and implemented. The vertical application potentials are practically endless. Our Interactive Voice Response System can be used to automate a wide range of services and data requests.
In addition our advanced IVR systems can easily utilize speaker independent voice recognition to allow the caller to simply "speak" their requests, which generate the desired responses or system look-ups. We can easily design and implement a vertical application that puts and endless possibility in retrieving and delivery of information or directions.

Call Center Solutions

Our next-generation call center is a solution built from the ground up to be a truly converged enterprise communications system. This architecture ensures linear scalability and costs (no forklift upgrades), resiliency and reliability, ease of administration and management, a wide variety of end-points and network elements (no vendor lock-in), support for legacy equipment, and a fully enabled end-user experience all in a single system that runs on an existing heterogeneous network environment.

Software Design and Systems Integration

Our SS7 solution provides a corner-stone technology for VoIP implementation because it ensures integration with the traditional voice network. The software based solution delivers SS7 signaling control a hybrid signaling gateway platform. Our SS7 solution provides a more cost-effective alternative to most systems by providing all necessary hardware integration, software installation, and system configuration.

Integrated Portals

We developed and manage seamless portal solutions for institutions, MDAs and private organizations. Our solutions are tailored to meet and supersede clients exepections. We pride our selves in delivering solutions that completely put our clients at ease in the functionality of their system.

Online payment Solutions

We are partners with all major switching companies in Nigeria in delivering secured web and USSD payment solutions

Electronic Document Management

We are your Number one choice in the implementation of a paperless office solution. We provide cutting Edge solutions to migrate your your data from paper to electronic based.